18 Mar 2009


Even in Norway we do some charity every now and then :)

On most thursdays after work we get together some girls, go to a local pub and sit there knitting the rest of the evening. We have become something of a spectical in this pub, but we love the attention :)

A thursday, not to long ago, we came to talking about leftover yarn and what to do with it... One of the girls had come across a lady that loved making blankets from leftovers, and this lady would take everybodys leftovers as long as they were atleast 2 m long. So this became after awhile an idea to do as so many knitters before us, knitting caps for permature babies. The lady could get all that wasn't suitable for this purpuse.

That evening I came home, got my leftovers out and went to work on Ravelry. So last saturday I made 3 of 5 caps I've made so fare. I'm very proud of myself. There will be many more, and hopfully they will save lives some day soon :)